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How Can I Worked From Home And Got Payed For It

Well.. I call my job now as Content Writer Freelance. the red line for this job is "Worked at Home" yes it is. that means even you just stayed at home does'nt mean you only stay , sleep and eat there, but you do something work with made many article in a special hours. i do my article almost 5 days a week and every month i got my fee.

Actually, i really enjoyed with my work because it is so flexible now. i can choose by my self when i have to start my work and when i have to finish it. everyday i start to typing my content writer work from 09.00 am to 12.00 am. if have deadline, i started again in 3.00 pm until 5.00 am.

Imagination CW

In Indonesia, may be 5 years ago the Content Writer is not yet famous as well as now. this job have relation with Digital Subject and Online Work, Of course for being a content writer i need a special tools and also special skill.  particullary must be have passionate about writing and reading.

for do my article work , sure i need an internet conection in my home and a Laptop with good condition. for add my knowledge about how to make good article , usually i was read many information from many source and i keep in my mind. after that i will start to typing what im thinking about any Issue and make my own article.

You read good article first from good source in internet as example for you. and then you make youre own article with youre way

first time, i still remember i started my first project work with made 2 Article 600 Word. these article talking about technology issue and i got payed only $5 for all. i started first project with which one the best platform for freelance worker in Indonesia. you can try by youre self and check this website Project ID

from there, finally .... alhamdullilah i got other project with new challenge. i was make articles about property, finance, technology and also make review articles and small project copy writer for seller need (but not focuse on it).

until now, i have been finish 200 more article for my client. every month my client give me project for make good article in many subject such as technology and Financial. these article has been posted in some Website.

My Digital Imaging When Typing Article

From made article as Content Writer, i also learning about How to be a Good content writer, even i still in Junior Level now. but if i study more i can expand my experience in writing content and may be i can to be a good candidate for Content Writer Job in Future , later.

So... To be a Good Content Writer, here are some tips from me to you who have same hobby, and doing same kind this job or may be you want to try to do freelance job as Content Writer for the first time :

1. Learning Again About Update Issue Nowdays, who Company or Client Need for it.

2. Make SEO Article for Maximum with Good Keyword , in order to youre article will be Up by Google Search Engine.

3. Must Be have relation between the Tittle of articles with the body structure of paragraph.

4. Using Youre "Own" thinking and tell the article with youre way, dont Do copy from any source

5. Do project ontime always, even have deadline, you must do that Ontime. make youre client always trust youre worked.

6. Prepare Youre Bank Account for saving youre regullar fee later.

a Content Writer Job may be looks like very easy Job for some people, but you have to know that content writer without passionate in writing and reading , its nothing. if youre orinetation also about money, specially for you who want to work in flexible time, you can try to be a Freelance Content Writer.

Assalamualaikum, Salam Kenal :) Saya seorang Freelancer dengan fokus menjadi Penulis dan Pembuat Konten. Saya suka dunia menulis digital dan sering curhat pengalaman dalam bidang tersebut melalui Tiktok dan Instagram.
